Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Billy Whitmore II: Billy Rides Again

That was the name I proposed for our volleyball team's second season. It was shot down in favour of keeping our standard "The Billy Whitmore Experience". The wife and I missed the first game last week (she was on a plane, I was on the ground waiting for the plane), but we're psyched for this game. I have to admit, I'm a little hooked on playing volleyball. To me, the ultimate moment comes when you can nail a block, spike or a dig. Bumps, volleys and serves are all well and good, but they're not cool. We'll see if I can make it though a game in a gym without injuring myself. I'm used to playing on sand, you see.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I have a VERY difficult time with blocks or spikes due to vertical stature challenges :( Does this mean I'm not a "cool" player?

I can, however, dig! I'm that close to the ground, you see...