Thursday, October 2, 2008


I'm really excited about playing volleyball tonight. I mentioned it yesterday, but I'm saying it again now. I'm excited! I'm finishing up my work day by migrating some user data from a remote datacenter to this one. And reading volleyball rules. And checking volleyball standings. And looking at directions to the gym. And reminding myself not to dig. Shit, I forgot about that data!

I have compiled a list of the pros and cons of indoor volleyball for you, since I know you care:

- Immune to weather effects
- No chasing the volleyball out of bounds (yay walls!)
- No chance of a stray ball landing in your court (one court in the gym)
- Changeroom/water fountain/bathrooms are readily available.
- Don't have to shake sand out of your underwear, ears, and leg hair

- Diving and digging is dangerous (alliteration: always awesome!)
- No tanning opportunities

There you have it. The team we play tonight has a 1-2 record, but that doesn't indicate much after only playing one other team. We'll see how happy and enthusiastic I am after the game.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

And here comes Billy for the kill!

W00t! We won, we won, we won!

I kind of miss the sandy underware...great bum exfoliation, n'est-ce pas? LOL

You forgot one other "Con" about court VB: Stupid basketball nets that take 15 minutes to manually raise...