Monday, December 1, 2008


A while ago, I decided that I wanted to get my Microsoft Certified IT Professional Certification. I figured that the little piece of paper would help me in my career, and that I may end up learning something while I was going through it. I bought some books, and started studying. That didn't last long, as I ended up getting quite lazy, and chose videogames over homework most of the time.

Now, I've got an annual review coming up, and I was reminded that I planned on finishing three exams by next May. That's going to be tight, but it should be doable if I get going on it now. I've gone through about 60% of the book for my 70-642 exam on Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuration, and I was actually doing the lessons as I went. So I've got to power through the rest of it, and get my exam done by December 19th. That's the deadline I set myself for this first exam. The good news is that if I fail it, I can retake it again with this "Second Chance" promotion that they have.

All this, and I still have Christmas shopping to do. Ugh.

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