Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I bought Spore on Sunday, even though they've got some pretty crappy DRM on it. The funny part is that the game has already been cracked, so all the DRM is doing is irritating paying customers. Basically, I can only install the game 3 times before calling EA Tech Support. This really irritates me, so I'm a bit happy to see that there were 30,000 people actively downloading the game on Saturday.

The most impressive part of Spore so far was when I installed it for my wife, and then she spent 3 hours playing it, instead of the half hour that she planned. :) My little geek-in-training is progressing well. She designed a little microscopic herbivore, evolved it, and this is what it looked like when it crawled out of the primordial ooze:

That freaky-looking little bastard is MUCH better than my first try. The fun part was after she had evolved the creature a little bit (on her PC), I saw it running around on one of my planets when I was in the Space Phase (on my PC). Her creature was uploaded to the Sporepedia, and downloaded back onto my system. Pretty cool. :)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I thought I said, "We shall speak of this ...NEVER!"

Too bad you didn't snag a picture of the Trottallong once I gave it the donkey mouth and extra horns. Lets face it, clearly I am the master of all creation!