Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chrome polish

Google has retracted the funny bits of their Chrome EULA. This post WOULD now belong to me, except I posted it to Blogger, so it still belongs to Google anyways. But now they don't own my company intranet anymore, so that's good.

I went out to my brother-in-law's bachelor party last night, and it was pretty fun. We hit up the Pro-Am night at a local comedy club, where they razzed him a bit for getting married soon. Some of the amateurs were good, and others were slow-motion train wrecks. In any case, they had the guts to get up there to try to make people laugh, so good for them. Thankfully, the audience was polite with the ones that weren't funny, and there was no boo-ing. I'd go back again, I had forgotten how much I enjoy live comedy.

Tonight will be a busy night. I need to make sure my suit is clean, and pick out a shirt and tie for the wedding on Saturday. I've got to pick up some computer parts for the wife, and see to some things around the house. Then, I have to write out some witty banter for the wedding reception, since I'm MCing. I did get some good advice from an old friend yesterday: "Keep it short". That's the plan! The only other thing I need to do is remain sober enough until the dancing starts. Then my job is over, and I get to be "Just another drunk guy".

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