Tuesday, September 2, 2008


This is my first post with Google Chrome. In case you're not as geeky as I am, Google just made a web browser. Neat, eh? They made a comic explaining all the things that the browser does differently. It gets a bit technical, but here are the big bonuses, as I understand them:

- Open Source: Everyone can have a look at what goes on under the hood. This means that Google can't get away with anything sneaky, and that there are a LOT of other developers out there that can check it for bugs, and develop new things for it.

- Google made it: There is a HUGE development and test team behind this browser. So it's not like some open-source projects that just plain suck, and won't open pages properly. IceWeasel, I'm looking at you. Google can test their browser against the entire internet, since they have the hardware in place to search the entire internet already.

- One process per tab: If you visit a website that totally screws up your browser, it will only crash that page. Basically, if you have 5 tabs open, it's like having 5 separate browsers running on 5 separate computers. Also, the tabs are separated and "sandboxed", so that malicious websites can't grab information from other tabs. 

- OmniBar: You can browse your history, type a new URL, or run a search all from the same bar at the top. It used to be called an "Address bar", but Google is much to cool to call it that.

That's all I can think of after reading a comic and using the browser for 10 minutes. You try it and be the judge.

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