Thursday, November 6, 2008


I dragged the wife out to see Spamalot yesterday, and I think she enjoyed it. She complained a little bit on the way out there, but there were some particularly silly parts that she liked. To be honest, I wasn't really blown away by it. I laughed, yes, but there were times when I was absolutely certain that I could do some of the lines better than the actors did. For example, the coconut scene. They were quite unexpressive and boring, in what should be a very funny and memorable scene. The Frenchman and Tim the Enchanter were played by the same person (as it was in the movie), but he kept forgetting his French accent and slipping into his Scottish one. Come on, man. Anyways, I'm glad I went, but It wasn't the best play I've ever seen by a long shot.

Volleyball tonight, and the Ottawa Food and Wine Show tomorrow. I'm not sure what to expect out of that. From all I've heard it's always very busy with long lineups. They basically keep selling tickets, and if you can't get in, that's your problem. I don't really agree with that policy, but we're going earlier in the day tomorrow, so hopefully we'll get in. I'm used to the smaller shows where there are no lineups, and they give you all the wine you can drink. I'm sure it will be fun anyways.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Here's hoping that we will be able to stomach mixing with the commoners and their annoying lineups. If not, there's always the private parties and intimate / upper class shows ; )