Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Manly stuff

This weekend, I put the snow tires on the car. This is the first time I have ever done ANY maintenance on my little Ion. I have done work on my other cars before, like oil changes, brakes, etc. But my Saturn was a NEW car, not an old piece of crap. It's been under warranty, so I've always brought it in to get the work done. If I brought the car in for an oil change, they would put my winter tires on for free. Since the warranty is up, I figured it was time to save myself some money and just do the tires myself.

I went over to my dad's house, since he has a nice heavy-duty jack, and I changed the tires there. The old tires must have been improperly inflated, because I swear it rides better on the snow tires. The snow tires are a bit bigger than the all-seasons too, so the car looks a BIT more badass. Just a little bit.

1 comment:

Ll4ma said...

Cudos on the effort.
Now get used to doing it twice a year :)
Other things you can do that are very easy:
- changing lightbulbs
- checking/topping up oil (I don't do full oil changes myself because of the mess factor and the disposal factor)
- checking/changing air filters
- changing brake pads/rotors (this shouldn't happen more than every 2.5 years)