So, after some gentle pressure from my
wife, I have started a blog. She blogs frequently, and writes for a living, so her blog is actually worth visiting. My daily writing mostly consists of mocking coworkers over MSN, command-line server diagnostics and frantically hammering out
"The Engineer is a spy!". When I pointed this out to her, she suggested that those are all viable topics to blog about, so I figured I would give it a shot. At least I didn't take Google's suggestion to blog about scooters:

As you may be able to tell from the first paragraph, I'm
a bit of a geek. My wife, on the other hand, is not nearly as geeky, but she's getting there. She blogs, manages websites at work, and enjoys Rock Band, so it's a start. However, she's never really gotten into videogames as much as I have. Maybe it's because she went "outside" more as a child, or never had a Nintendo in the house. In any case, it's a situation I've been meaning to remedy for a while now. One thing I DO know, is that she and her brother used to enjoy Goldenaxe. That gives me something to work with, at least.
Castle Crashers is coming out August 27th, and I think THAT will be the key breakthrough game. The only issue is getting her to sit down with a controller in her hand long enough, but I think I've got that sorted out...
This summer, I've been doing
swing lessons. Here's how that came about:
(Dan at work frantically rebuilding a server, Jenn phones)
Jenn: Want to take swing dancing lessons?
Dan: (working hard, mild panic, not paying attention) Sure, whatever you say dear...
(10 minutes later, server fixed. Jenn phones back)
Jenn: We're booked!
Dan: For what?
So, since I'm doing swing lessons, I think it's only fair that she humour me by trying out Castle Crashers. It should play a lot like Goldenaxe, since it is also a side-scrolling beat 'em up. It's got a very nice art style, and we can play co-op instead of against each other. I think I've got a chance at breaking through with this one. Wish me luck.
Perhaps your wife will play more video games with you in return for uploading the stunning ferret visuals that she has so lovingly prepared for you. I'm willing to suffer for my art.
Excellent, that's as close to a "yes" as I will get. :) Once I have a suitable title, I will commission some "stunning ferret visuals" to accompany it.
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