So, after some gentle pressure from my
wife, I have started a blog. She blogs frequently, and writes for a living, so her blog is actually worth visiting. My daily writing mostly consists of mocking coworkers over MSN, command-line server diagnostics and frantically hammering out
"The Engineer is a spy!". When I pointed this out to her, she suggested that those are all viable topics to blog about, so I figured I would give it a shot. At least I didn't take Google's suggestion to blog about scooters:

As you may be able to tell from the first paragraph, I'm
a bit of a geek. My wife, on the other hand, is not nearly as geeky, but she's getting there. She blogs, manages websites at work, and enjoys Rock Band, so it's a start. However, she's never really gotten into videogames as much as I have. Maybe it's because she went "outside" more as a child, or never had a Nintendo in the house. In any case, it's a situation I've been meaning to remedy for a while now. One thing I DO know, is that she and her brother used to enjoy Goldenaxe. That gives me something to work with, at least.
Castle Crashers is coming out August 27th, and I think THAT will be the key breakthrough game. The only issue is getting her to sit down with a controller in her hand long enough, but I think I've got that sorted out...
This summer, I've been doing
swing lessons. Here's how that came about:
(Dan at work frantically rebuilding a server, Jenn phones)
Jenn: Want to take swing dancing lessons?
Dan: (working hard, mild panic, not paying attention) Sure, whatever you say dear...
(10 minutes later, server fixed. Jenn phones back)
Jenn: We're booked!
Dan: For what?
So, since I'm doing swing lessons, I think it's only fair that she humour me by trying out Castle Crashers. It should play a lot like Goldenaxe, since it is also a side-scrolling beat 'em up. It's got a very nice art style, and we can play co-op instead of against each other. I think I've got a chance at breaking through with this one. Wish me luck.