Friday, March 20, 2009


The wife and I both enjoy coffee, and a while ago we decided we would start buying beans and grinding it ourselves. When we were on our cruise, we picked up our first bag of beans in Guatemala, so we officially needed to get a grinder. I've been researching grinders, and procrastinating, but I ran out of coffee grounds this weekend, so now I REALLY need to get one! I've ordered a Cuisinart DBM-8C burr grinder, and it's on its way from Vancouver. That model came highly recommended from some coffee geeks at work, and Vancouver was the only place I could find it still for sale.

Unfortunately, Canada Post will only get it here by Wednesday. I'm not sure what I'm going to be drinking this weekend. :(

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Boooo! Hiss! Please leave me a little Guatemalan coffee. Can't wait to resume my caffeine addiction at the end of the year!