Monday, March 15, 2010
RFR: W1 D3 and W2 D1
Last Friday, I did my run as scheduled at 5:30am. Yay me! This morning however, I overslept and didn't run in the morning. Instead, I ran this evening. I MUCH prefer morning runs! Even though I have to drag myself out of bed and go from asleep to a run in about 10 minutes, it beats almost getting smoked by someone running a stop sign while talking on their cell phone. There are much fewer people about in the morning too, so it just seems more peaceful.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
RFR: Week 1 Day 2
As scheduled, I did my run yesterday morning. It didn't seem any better or worse, I guess that's because we're still on the "Couch Potato" end of the spectrum. :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Run F3rret, Run: Week 1 Day 1
Yesterday at 5:30am, I got up to go running for the first time. As it turns out, the most difficult part is making it out the front door. Once I made it out there, it was completely quiet and peaceful, the air was crisp, and the sun was rising. Pretty nice, actually. :)
Once I got running, it wasn't so bad. The Couch Potato To 5K program eases you into it, and gets your muscles and joints used to working out. I was a bit sore yesterday and today, but nothing too bad. I definitely feel like I can run again tomorrow morning.
I also weighed myself before my run, I was 197 lbs. I'm normally about 200 lbs, but I wasn't feeling well on Sunday night. Combine a lack of appetite with other symptoms, and I was a bit below my normal weight. My main reason for running is better cardio health, but weight loss would be a nice side effect, too.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Been a while
I haven't posted in a long time, but that's not because I've had nothing to talk about. Since I've stopped posting, I've become a dad! That's taken up a lot of time, and any free time I have is usually spent gaming. So blogging fell by the wayside.
My wife's blog covers anything interesting that is happening with our boy, so I don't need to duplicate that here. Having a child kinda makes you want to stay healthy so that you can watch them grow up, so I've decided to do the Couch Potato to 5K program. I'll use this blog to track my runs, and to bitch and whine about how much I hurt. :)
I'm going to get some shoes today or tomorrow, then start running Monday morning at 5:30am. Wish me luck...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Big news
I'm going to be a Dad! We'll have our first child (a boy!) on or around October 21st. My wife and I are very excited. We've just recently started buying outfits for him, so it's starting to seem much more "real" now. I'm going to try to get into the habit of updating more frequently, since this blog would be a great place for me to post baby pictures and videos.
And here's the first picture:

Friday, March 20, 2009
The wife and I both enjoy coffee, and a while ago we decided we would start buying beans and grinding it ourselves. When we were on our cruise, we picked up our first bag of beans in Guatemala, so we officially needed to get a grinder. I've been researching grinders, and procrastinating, but I ran out of coffee grounds this weekend, so now I REALLY need to get one! I've ordered a Cuisinart DBM-8C burr grinder, and it's on its way from Vancouver. That model came highly recommended from some coffee geeks at work, and Vancouver was the only place I could find it still for sale.
Unfortunately, Canada Post will only get it here by Wednesday. I'm not sure what I'm going to be drinking this weekend. :(
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Been a while
For a little while at work, we were blocking blogs. I'm not too sure WHY, but we were. People then started complaining, and we opened them up again. However, I decided to not post from work for a bit, because they were obviously watching the traffic and decided it was a problem. Personally, I think if people take 5 minutes at lunch to update a blog, that's not costing the company much. My other alternative would be to start taking smoke breaks, and blog instead of smoking. :P
The past few weeks seemed like they were really busy, but I don't have anything huge to report yet. I'm just looking forward to having all the snow gone, and the arrival of spring. This weekend is the first weekend where the temperature has been above zero the whole time, so dinners are going to be 100% barbecue.
I'll try to post more, and I'll make my life more interesting soon. Promise!
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